Tuesday, August 9, 2011

yugg dug and full of mugg

identify to identify the identitity, a form that has lost its ...
if people know who i am, then these decisions have decided ..
sitting in place, sitting in a chair, sitting on a place,
sitting in line, standing in sitting down-line ...

dragging on down to the point of no return, the dragging point of no return...
flowering vegitation gives me hope...
i could buy something to get off my mind, the purchase power...
falling extremely fast, out of fucking control falling ...

focus on it, you need to focus..
what are you doing?
what the hell are you doing ?

i have decided
i will fashion a list, this list will provide me timely information ..

Thursday, August 4, 2011

post 69

so i'm going to be moving this month, yeh. i hope school lets me stay another year, answers at end of the month. Finacial aid says that i am not good enough. their right, i just hope they make mistakes, good mistakes. this month is pretty crazy but just rolling with it. trying to keep my nose to the grindstone so as to not over-think the situation too much, na wha i saaayn.. moving to natomas area.. but cool. 16th street can sukk it, SUKK IT .. would love to see something good happen around me , idk kinda low ... yea all the usual things i rely upon to sustain interest have been well, used.. kinda bored and working the usual system of "workage" work stuffs... idk idk idk.. i'm starting to think of things to be grateful for but , who cares.. i do, i care about the indifference of no one. its probably a slow news day and i'm wishing something bad happenned so i could talk about it. wow, that is the truth. well some goals could quell this flood of pessimisism, maybe a point. this is when i turn to science the cure-all


Swedish Nationalists in Struggling City See Rival Parties Steal Their Thunder


Monday, August 1, 2011

"boo" day

going to college today to try and smooth out some of the wrinkles. i'm hopeful, well fifty percent. Financial aid could only do so much for below average student. if there are excuses then thats fine. even reasons, if happens that i don't then its on to the next. still lookin for a room, have a couple but not sure things ... wanted, good vibes can you send them my way. yay! Vibes! need to start this day, monday