Sunday, March 13, 2011

post consumerate/ fuck poetry, poetry for fucking

when i forget, it's enjoyable.
posted inside the ground.
marked for distribution.
divided, sorted, marked, counted, forgotten,

walk to a store
walk to a store
walk to a university
walk to a coffee shop
walk to a store
walk to a store
walk to a shop
walk to a university
walk to a shop
walk to a house
walk to a university
walk to a store
walk to a shop
walk to a house
walk to a university

reminders for the not me and the me
in conclusion, there isn't anything
when you are ready, there is nothing for you
this line is the longest line, to my knowledge
pain may never leave
can you find a spirit of grace in people
anything is possible, if you even have a chance
today I'm walking down a street
you have arrived, the marketplace
on sale today
what you want

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